Do Fairy Tales Come True?

After seeing a presentation of music videos and how they portray dating relationships, Taylor Swifts Love Story caught my attention. The video portrayed a modern day Rome0 and Juliet relationship in which eventually the girl and the boy fall in love happily ever after just like a fairy tale. My question is, do relationships really turn out this good?

Relationships are tough that’s for sure. Sometimes they don’t turn out all well and good. For example, a lot the time families argue, people cheat, partners argue, and relationships just turn out for the worst. Look at the movie The Break Up with Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn. These two could not overcome their strong personalities to keep their relationship going.

Then there are the relationships that do turn out happily ever after. They overcome their differences and are able to keep the love that they have always had. Take the movie Bruce Almighty. (I know you might think this is a terrible example but keep reading). Jim Carey cheats on Jennifer Anniston and has to re-evaluate his life and see what is really important before he can get her back. At the end he prays to God telling her he wants her to find someone who treats her with the kindness that she deserved when she was with him. He was able to get her back, but it wasn’t easy.

Looking at both sides, I have come to one conclusion. Fairy Tales can come true but there not as harmonious and easy as they seem to be. Relationships are extremely fragile and take allot to keep them going. One wrong move or one wrong thing said can lead to the end. To keep a relationship going, you have to make sacrifices. Fairy Tales are real, just not as real as we want them to be.

About n21nunez

I am a pretty laid back guy. I really don't like to talk to allot a people but if I get to know I'll be open to conversation,
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